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Is your child crying inconsolably? Do you feel helpless watching your child suffering from colic? Have all your attempts at coaxing and treating your child been in vain? Osteopathic Manipulative Treatment (OMT), a natural alternative, may be the answer for you.
Studies have shown:
Infantile colic is characterized by fussing, irritability or crying in infants for 3 hours a day, for more than three days a week. Colic is seen in infants around 2 to 3 weeks old. It usually reaches its peak when the child is 2 months old and slowly starts to reduce by 3 months. Babies with colic are usually healthy and well-fed.
Next sectionThe cause of colic is not very clear. Some theories suggest that colic may occur due to indigestion, overfeeding, excessive anxiety, excitement, anger or fear in the house, or intolerance to certain foods or proteins found in formula.
Next sectionSymptoms of colic include inconsolable, intense constant crying about the same time everyday usually during late afternoon or evening. Crying lasts for a few minutes to 3 hours per day and usually ends with passing lots of gas or stool. Crying may be associated with curling up of the legs, clenched fists and the belly may seem tense.
Next sectionA thorough physical examination will be done by your physician to determine if there are possible causes for your baby’s distress, such as a blockage in your baby’s intestines. However, lab tests and imaging are usually not required.
Next sectionTreatment depends on the cause and is generally a conservative approach.
Osteopath treatment for Infant Colic
Frequently asked questions
What should I wear to my appointments?
Loose-fitting clothing or gym clothes
How many visits will I need?
This is variable depending upon what is being treated and how extensive your treatment needs to be. Our goal is to bring you to optimal health so that you won’t need to continually return.
What is the difference between licensing and board certification for a physician, and do you have any of these?
Physicians are required to be licensed to practice medicine in the U.S. by the licensing board in each state they wish to practice.
A board certified physician has completed an additional training program in a specialty and has passed a rigorous exam to assess his or her knowledge, skills and experience to provide quality patient care in that specialty.
In my case, I am licensed to practice medicine in Texas, and I have two board certifications. The first one is Family Medicine and the second one is Neuromusculoskeletal Medicine/Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine.
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